Patient health information privacy statement
We respect your privacy and confidentiality. This fact sheet sets out why we collect your information and how it will be used.
To learn what a primary health organisation is and how this practice is connected, the role of primary care and the benefits of enrolling, visit
Western Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organisation is made up of community, iwi and clinical representatives and is the entity that contracts with district health boards and the Ministry of Health for funding to provide health services.
You directly consent to your health information being collected when you sign an enrolment form to register with a practice.
Maintaining your trust and privacy is important to us.
We only collect what we need to help you and your whānau.
We only use what we know to improve your health and the health of the community.
We don’t sell anything we know to anyone, ever.
We only share what we know with people in the health system who we know will look after your information the way we do.
We look after what we know and keep it secure.
Your health record is YOUR health record – you can see it, correct it, and know what we have done with it – just ask.
What information is collected?
Information about you (such as your name, date of birth, gender, address, ethnicity, citizenship, NHI number).
Information about your health.
Information about health services that are being provided to you.
Information about the financial transactions around consultation charges.
We’re required to keep your information accurate, up-to-date, and relevant for your treatment and care.
Patient enrolment information
The information provided on the enrolment form will be:
held by the practice.
used by the Ministry of Health to give you a National Health Index (NHI) number or update any changes.
sent to the Trust and to the Ministry of Health to obtain subsidised funding on your behalf
used to determine eligibility to receive publicly funded services. Information may be compared with other government agencies but only when permitted under the Privacy Act.
Other uses of your health information
Your health information may also be used by health organisations such as the district health board, the Ministry of Health, or the Trust for the following purposes:
health service planning and reporting
monitoring and improving service quality
This information will not be used or published in a way that can identify you.
Confidentiality and information sharing
Your privacy and the confidentiality of your information is important to us.
Your health professional may record relevant information from your consultation and use it to provide you with appropriate care.
When you enrol you give consent to sharing relevant health information with other health professionals who are directly involved in your care*
Your health information may also be shared with other government agencies but only when permitted under the Privacy Act. It may also be shared if authorised by law.
Your health information may be reviewed by an auditor either checking on health matters or as part of a financial audit, but only according to the terms and conditions of Section 22G of the Health Act or any subsequent applicable Act.
You don’t have to share your health information, however, withholding it may affect the quality of care you receive. Talk to your health practitioner if you have any concerns.
Your privacy is our priority. We will keep your information secure and prevent unauthorised access. We work with a range of data sources and platforms, and we constantly evaluate our systems and processes to ensure we are using the latest technologies to increase security.
*Health professionals can include, but are not limited to, doctors, nurses, Māori health workers, health promoters, dietitians, pharmacists, physiotherapists, mental health workers and midwives.
Right to access and correct
You have the right to access your health information and have it corrected.
You don’t have to explain why you’re requesting the information, but you may be required to provide proof of your identity. If you request a second copy of that information within 12 months, you may have to pay an administration fee.
You have the right to know where your information is kept, who has access rights, and if the system has audit log capability who has viewed or updated your information.
If asking for your health information to be corrected, practice staff should provide you with reasonable assistance. If your healthcare provider chooses not to change that information, you can have this noted on your file.
Many practices now offer a patient portal, which allows you to view some of your practice health records online. Ask your practice if they’re offering a portal so you can register.
Health programmes
Health data relevant to a programme in which you are enrolled, such as breast screening, immunisation, or diabetes, may be sent to the Trust or the external health organisation managing the programme.
Collecting and storing your health information
Your data is sent securely to the PHO. Robust protocols and processes have been developed for collecting and storing this data. Our processes are fully compliant with the Privacy Act 2020 and Health Information Privacy Code 2020.
Your health information may be used in research approved by an ethics committee or when it has had identifying details removed.
Research which may directly or indirectly identify you can only be published if the researcher has previously obtained your consent and the study has received ethics approval.
Under the law, you are not required to give consent to the use of your health information if it’s for unpublished research or statistical purposes, or if it’s published in a way that doesn’t identify you.
Consent options
If you do not agree to have any of your information collected, the only option is to register with a practice but not enrol. This means you would not qualify for funding subsidies and a reduced cost of GP visits.
Visiting another practice
If you visit another practice which is not your regular practice, you will be asked for permission to share information from the visit with your regular practice. If you have a High User Health Card or Community Services Card and you visit another practice which is not your regular practice, they can make a claim for a subsidy, and the practice you are enrolled with will be informed of the date of that visit. The name of the practice you visited and the reason(s) for the visit will not be disclosed unless you give consent.
If you’re not happy with the way your health information is collected or used, you can talk to your practice about your concerns.
July 2024